If you look at the source code of this page, you'll
find that it is written in "old school HTML". It's
basically just plaintext. I don't
use any scripts, cookies, or anything else to track you.
However, this page is hosted for free. Undoubtedly,
the host of this site is watching you. As are others.
I hope this site helps you become more secure with
your browsing data.
When the internet first became mass-market popular in the
'90s, people's lives changed. There was value in being
able to quickly find information, connect with others,
and transact purchases. The everyday way of life began to
shift from print and voice to digital.
Chatrooms, instant messaging, email, search engines, and
other online applications exploded in popularity.
Network, compute, and storage capabilites evolved to
support the growing demands.
The first search engines of the internet indexed sites
like a directory. This provided new advertising
oppotunities: promoting paid sponsor search results;
running banner ads; etc. This advertising revenue
has led to a modern day gold rush: companies strive to
index data created by
people's usage and create new competivite advantages and
revenue opportunities.
Today, essentially every provider, website, and
government has a reason to want data generated
by your internet activities. This site aims to
educate you on how you can continue to use the internet
while protecting your privacy.